If you own a small business, you may be able to deduct expenses related to your vehicle. Business use of vehicles can lower your taxable income and save some extra tax dollars. The general rule is you can either deduct mileage or actual costs. This requires a slight calculation to see which is more beneficial […]
Month: July 2019
Mark Your Calendars — Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday
Just a reminder that the Massachusetts Sales Tax Holiday will occur the weekend of August 17th and 18th, 2019. The holiday allows customers a temporary relief from paying the Massachusetts 6.25% sales tax on purchases of goods within the state (with some exclusions). The “tax-free” weekend applies to purchases that are under $2,500. The MA […]
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Don’t Forget the Tax Deduction For Your Kid’s Summer Camps This Year!
The fireworks just went off, Summer is in full swing, which means your children might be headed off to spend some time at a summer camp. There’s no shock that the cost of camp can be a significant expense but the good news: You might be eligible for a tax break for the cost. The […]
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Time For a New Vehicle? Consider All of Your Options Before Donating Your Vehicle to Charity.
Have you been considering donating your vehicle to a local charity or to one that you have seen or heard about on? It’s important to note that donating a vehicle may not result in a big tax deduction — or any deduction at all. Trade in, sell or donate? Let’s say you’re buying a new […]