Essential Tax Strategies for Year 1 of Operations

Classify the money you put in the business as owner loans, NOT as equity By classifying the funds as loans, you are giving yourself the ability to repay once the business has sufficient cash flow. In addition, all owner loans should be repaid prior to taking compensation. Hold off on taking compensation If possible, it […]

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Is Massachusetts DUA Charging You Monthly?

Here’s why the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance might now be charging you monthly. If you have an employee covered by MA health, employers are now responsible to pay up to $750 per employee per year to the MA DUA. This payment is based on 5% of the first $15K of the employee’s wages. The […]

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Can I Still Deduct Food & Drink?

Recently, the IRS answered the question on many business owners’ minds: Can businesses still generally deduct 50% of the food and drink expenses related to operating their business? The answer, in most cases- Yes! The deduction is allowed so long as: the expense is ordinary and necessary, the expense is not lavish, the taxpayer or […]

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The Associate Buy-in: 25%, 24%, 51% Method

Having an associate buy into a company is often one of the most rewarding moments of the selling owner’s career. The Associate buy-in can take many forms, but one method we have advised and highly recommend is a staggered purchase of the following: Initial buy-in of 25% ownership 2nd buy-in at a later, predetermined date […]

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

No matter where you are with your company – at the start-up phase, still growing, or at full maturity – it’s always important to keep the end in mind. Often, business owners wait too long to begin planning their exit strategies. We recommend using these 5 questions to get the conversation rolling to make a successful departure […]

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Helpful Practices To Enhance The Employer / Employee Relationship

                    Too often, business owners are so focused on their company’s financial results that they forget to pay attention to the people who are helping them achieve those results. Use these practices as a way to strengthen the relationship between you and your staff. 1) Diagnose […]

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Take Advantage of the New 20% Pass Through

The new 20% pass through deduc- tion can be a huge tax savings for many small businesses and their families. Get the conversation going now and strategize ways to take full advantage of this deduction! Our Pass Through Deduction Chart will help you focus your unique needs. [custom-button link=””]Download Pass Through Deduction Chart[/custom-button] […]

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Capitalize Now on the New Tax Laws

Now is the time to be reviewing year to date earnings and fine-tuning year end income tax planning strategies. No one likes surprises, and as we have seen and discussed with clients, and as this article suggests, many taxpayers can be looking at unexpected liabilities come April 2019.  Start the conversation now, so these next […]

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