Should You Require A Non-Compete?

The veterinary industry is rapidly evolving, rather than being reactive, successful practices are embracing these changes and taking a progressive approach when it comes to recruiting new DVMs to the team. These practices are evaluating whether traditional paradigms of employment are still appropriate. One of the most significant questions practice owners are asking is whether […]

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The Peak Approach: A Summit View On Veterinary Tax Solutions – Grouping Election For Rental And Other Activities

Income comes in all different types, and each type is taxed differently. For practice owners who also own the real estate that they operate out of, there is a tax election to group rental and business income to treat it as one type. Typically, people who aren’t real estate professionals are faced with an additional […]

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The Peak Approach: A Summit View On Veterinary Tax Solutions: Case Study On Accelerating Deductions To Maintain SSTB Eligibility

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed in 2017, created several sweeping changes to tax law, one of which was the implementation of the Section 199A Deduction. IRC Section 199A allows individuals with pass-through business income to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income (QBI) from their taxable ordinary income on […]

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The Peak Approach: A Summit View on Veterinary Tax Solutions: Case Study On Entity Formation S Corporations

An S Corporation is a type of business entity that elects to pass corporate income, losses, deductions and credits through their shareholders for federal tax purposes. Shareholders of S corporations report the flow-through of income and losses on their personal tax returns and are assessed tax at their individual income tax rates. We recommend this […]

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Tips On Spotting Errors In Your Internal Financial Statements 

Having worked closely with hundreds of veterinarian clients and business owners here at Granite Peak Associates, we make a point to provide high quality tailored services to allow you to focus more on the animals, and less on the accounting. With this mission in mind, it is important to highlight weekly business transaction review, along […]

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The Associate Buy-in: 25%, 24%, 51% Method

Having an associate buy into a company is often one of the most rewarding moments of the selling owner’s career. The Associate buy-in can take many forms, but one method we have advised and highly recommend is a staggered purchase of the following: Initial buy-in of 25% ownership 2nd buy-in at a later, predetermined date […]

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What’s Your Exit Strategy?

No matter where you are with your company – at the start-up phase, still growing, or at full maturity – it’s always important to keep the end in mind. Often, business owners wait too long to begin planning their exit strategies. We recommend using these 5 questions to get the conversation rolling to make a successful departure […]

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Take Advantage of the New 20% Pass Through

The new 20% pass through deduc- tion can be a huge tax savings for many small businesses and their families. Get the conversation going now and strategize ways to take full advantage of this deduction! Our Pass Through Deduction Chart will help you focus your unique needs. [custom-button link=””]Download Pass Through Deduction Chart[/custom-button] […]

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How’s the health of Your Practice?

Make sure to check on the health and wellness of your practice just as carefully as you do your animal patients. At Abbott Pratt, we find it invaluable to lead these ‘check-ups’ for the 40+ animal hospitals we advise across the country. […]

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