Take Advantage of the New 20% Pass Through

The new 20% pass through deduc- tion can be a huge tax savings for many small businesses and their families. Get the conversation going now and strategize ways to take full advantage of this deduction! Our Pass Through Deduction Chart will help you focus your unique needs. [custom-button link=”https://granitepeakcpa.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Abbott-Pratt-Blog-Mock-1.pdf”]Download Pass Through Deduction Chart[/custom-button] […]

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Capitalize Now on the New Tax Laws

Now is the time to be reviewing year to date earnings and fine-tuning year end income tax planning strategies. No one likes surprises, and as we have seen and discussed with clients, and as this article suggests, many taxpayers can be looking at unexpected liabilities come April 2019.  Start the conversation now, so these next […]

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